Wednesday, July 28, 2010

MAC Ottawa Chapter - 1st Quranic Contest

Click on the picture to enlarge it.

See the information below about rules, schedule, and locations.

To register, please click here and fill out the form.

If you have any further questions please contact us at

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Quran Contest - Ramadan 2010
First City-Wide Competition… Brought to you By MAC

1- MAC Objective:

The Prophet (pbuh) is reported to have said: "The most honorable and noble from amongst my Ummah are the memorizers of the (Holy) Quran and those who (stay) awake (for worshipping)."

The holy month of Ramadan is a perfect time to hold a Quranic competition. Such a competition not only allows MAC to demonstrate its commitment to faith and the holy book, it invites members of the community at large to take part in such worship and devote time and energy into self-development.

This competition is intended to reach out to a broad number of people, brothers, and sisters, young and old. We encourage bringing the Ottawa community together to strive in the way of ALLAH SWT by memorizing and reviewing the holy Book in the Holy month. Participants will be able to present their quranic memorization at their local mosque or community, as the judges will be circulating in the city in the last third of the Holy Month to attend and evaluate performances.

2- Competition Details/ Procedures:

* Who can participate in the competition?
  • All ages: Children, youth and adults.
  • Brothers & sisters.
  • Residents of Canada.

* Memorization Criteria: Participants in the contest have to fulfill one of the following memorization criteria to be eligible to register in the competition:
  • Full Quran
  • half Quran
  • 10 Juzaa
  • 5 Juzaa
  • 3 Juzaa

Note that Juzaa’s memorized have to be consecutive.

3- Date/Time:

Due to some circumestances, we changed the arrangement of the competition to be held on Sept 5th from 2:00PM to 5:00PM at Abraar school.

4- Competition Rules:
  • Contestants will be tested on both Hefz and Tajweed. There will be 50 marks for Tajweed and 50 marks for Hefz. المتسابقون سوف يختبرون بالحفظ والتجويد ولكل منهما 50 درجة وبمجموع 100 درجة.
  • Each contestant will be given three questions and will be given a mark for each question by each Judge. The overall mark will be the average of all marks. سوف يختبر كل متسابق ب 3 أسئلة وسوف يقيم كل سؤال من قبل المحكمين. الدرجة النهائية سوف تكون معدل نتائج المحكمين الثلاثة.
  • If the contestant hesitates in recitation, one mark will be taken off his Hefz mark. اذا تلكأ المتسابق بالقراءة ثم واصل بنفسه فستخصم درجة واحدة من درجة حفظه
  • If the contestant stops during recitation unable to complete and then he recalls and resumes the recitation, two marks will be taken off his Hefz mark. اذا توقف المتسابق خلال القراءة لبرهة (لمدة أكثرها 7 ثوان) ثم واصل بنفسه ، فستخصم منه 2 درجة من درجة الحفظ
  • If the contestant stops during recitation unable to complete (During 7 seconds) and the judge will give him the lead to resume, 3 marks will be taken off his Hefz mark. اذا توقف المتسابق خلال القراءة لبرهة (لمدة 7 ثوان) وفتح عليه من قبل المحكم ، فستخصم منه 3 درجات من درجة الحفظ
  • If the contestant makes a memorization mistake during the recitation and the judge corrects him, 2 marks will be taken off his Hefz mark. Two knocks signals will be given by the Judge for a mistake in hifz and one knock in case of ``Tashkeel``. اذا أخطا المتسابق بالقراءة (كلمة أو تشكيلا) وفتح عليه من قبل المحكم ، فستخصم منه 2 درجة من درجة الحفظ ، سوف ينبه المتسابق بدقتين في حالة الخطأ بالحفظ وبدقة واحدة في حالة الخطأ بالتشكيل
  • If the contestant repeats the mistake after the judge corrected him, 3 marks will be taken off his Hefz mark. إذا كرر المتسابق نفس الخطأ الذي نبهه المحكم عليه مرة ثانية ، فستخصم منه 3 درجات من درجة الحفظ.
  • If the contestant makes a mistake in the rules of Tajweed, one mark will be taken off his Tajweed mark. اذا أخطا المتسابق بأحكام التجويد ، فستخصم منه درجة واحدة من درجة التجويد
  • If contestant repeats the mistake in a rule of Tajweed across recitation, 3 marks will be taken off his Tajweed mark. إذا كرر المتسابق نفس الخطأ بالتجويد الذي نبهه المحكم عليه في المرة السابقة ، فستخصم منه 3 درجات من درجة التجويد.
  • The judges will correct the contestant only if he makes a mistake in Hefz, the judge will not correct the contestant if he makes mistakes in Tajweed rules. المحكم سوف ينبه المتسابق إذا اخطأ بالحفظ ولن ينبهه إذا أخطا بالتجويد.
  • If the judge asks the contestant to start from the beginning of the sura, the contestant must start istiatha and basmala, otherwise 2 marks will be taken from his tajweed mark. إذا طلب المحكم من المتسابق أن يبدأ من بداية السورة ، فعلى الطالب أن يبدأ بالاستعاذة والبسملة وإلا ستخصم من المتسابق 2 درجة من درجة التجويد.